
As a family, we are fortunate to have inherited an extensive family tree, produced in the mid-19th century by one of our forebears, Richard Oke Millett. This started me on this quest to find out more about our roots.  It has also left me a lot more questions than I can find answers to!  

Our family can be traced back to 16th century Marazion in Cornwall, in the southernmost tip of England, and it is this line this website focuses on.  Where there is an interesting story to tell, I do take an occasional foray to some ancestors who are one or two steps away from this, and no doubt these will grow in number. 

Whilst I maintain our main family tree on Ancestry.co.uk, with this website I wanted to be more about the stories our roots can tell.  In addition to that, I share the sources I have used.   

Richard Millett
Norfolk, England, 2024

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